If you’re a student loan borrower, chances are you’re in debt. Borrowing money to pay for higher education can be a good investment, but more often than not, students who take on student loans wind up with less money to show for it than they expected. And that’s where student loan refinancing comes in: It allows borrowers to lower monthly payments on their federal and private loans.
School’s expensive
Tuition costs continue to rise faster than the rate of inflation. The cost of education has been rising for years, and it’s not just a recent thing that’s happening, either.
It’s also important to note that student loans are still an option for college students. This means that even though you may be able to pay for your degree in full or with your own savings, many students still require financial aid from their parents or other sources to cover tuition costs and living expenses while they attend school full-time during the day.
Debt is overwhelming
There are many reasons why a student loan refinance becomes necessary. The first and foremost reason is that it helps to pay off the debt. Many people find themselves in debt because they did not attend college or dropped out of college. This can make them feel overwhelmed by their financial obligations and unable to meet their monthly payments on time. A student loan can help these people get back on track with their finances, so they do not have to worry about falling behind again.
Interest rates are on the rise
The federal reserve is raising interest rates, which means student loan borrowers face higher monthly payments. However, borrowing money is expected to go up further in the future, making it more difficult for students to repay their loans.
Understanding how your student loan interest rate works and its impact on your finances are essential. For example, your monthly payment amount might seem small, but when you pay for 20 or 30 years (or longer), that dollar amount can add up quickly!
Lantern by SoFi experts comment, “Private student loans do not have the same repayment options that the federal loan program offers such as Income-Driven Repayment plans, including Income-Contingent Repayment or PAYE.”
To lower monthly payments
The most common reason for refinancing student loans is to reduce monthly payments. By refinancing with a private lender, you can lower your interest rate and extend the term of your loan. This will lower the amount due each month, which makes it easier for you to pay off your debt.
In addition to lowering monthly payments, many borrowers choose to refinance their student loans because they want an alternative funding source than what they originally received from their federal education loans. In some instances, lenders may be able to offer more favorable terms than those offered by federal lenders, especially if the borrower’s credit profile is strong enough. They qualify for private loan consolidation instead of just getting a new loan through one company or another option like this one.
Considering refinancing your student loans, weighing the pros and cons is essential. For example, you may be able to save money on your monthly payments, but if you take on additional debt by refinancing other loans, then you could end up in more of a hole than before. Consider all the factors that go into making this decision before taking action.