INX Live Charts

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The S&P500 (INX), or simply the S&P, is a stock market index that measures the stock performance of 500 large companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States. It is one of the most commonly followed equity indices, and many consider it to be one of the best representations of the U.S. stock market.



#Live INX Charts,For Tax Planning,INDEXSP: .INX ,Live s&P 500 Charts, s&p today, s&p 500 live, indexsp: .inx, s&p 500 live, s & p index, inx live price, INX Live share price, S&P500 Live Share Price, S&P500 Live Charts Shows in this above the Charts Widgets.

#Live INX Charts, INDEXSP: .INX , Live s&P 500 Charts, s&p today, s&p 500 live, indexsp: .inx, s&p 500 live, s & p index, inx live price, INX Live share price, S&P500 Live Share Price, Live Commodity Charts, S&P500 Live Charts Shows in this above the Charts Widgets.


S&P 500 INDEXSP: .INX is now in bear territory. Prior to mid February the index continued to hit record highs in 2020, including new highs on 11 Feb. Both the S&P and the Nasdaq touched new records as Wall Street expressed optimism in the stock market due to a slowdown in new cases of the coronavirus in China. The DowJones Industrial Average also soared to a new record intraday high. However, all that ended as coronavirus started spreading primarily in Italy and now the US. INX and other major indices are down on fears that most of the economy is likely to shut down.

How is the S&P 500 calculated?

Today, we’re going to break down how the S&P 500 is actually calculated. And if you think you already know everything there is to know about the S&P 500, you hear about it all the time, stick with me. I think you’ll  learn something new. 

Now, one of the reasons we  care so much about the S&P 500 is because it’s actually considered a relatively stable way to invest your money. This is the returns of the index over the last five years. So we start in October of  this year, mid-October, and go back five years  to mid-October of 2014. And as you can see, if you put  your money in five years ago you’d actually get a  pretty stable return despite a little bit of  turbulence in the latest year.   

Now, the S&P 500 is reflective  of the large cap US stocks space because the committee  that selects the companies keeps in mind how much of  a sector breakdown each industry should get so  that it reflects the larger cap    stocks space. 

So, as an example, if technology companies represent about 20 per cent of total large cap companies in the US, they’re going to make sure that the companies in the S&P 500 also reflect about a 20 percent technology representation. And they actually  even break it down into subcategories from there, but we’re not going to get into all that.   

What we are going to get into is how this thing is actually calculated. Now, as you may know there are  500 companies in the S&P 500, but don’t get confused. There are actually 505  listings on the S&P 500. And that’s because the listings refer to some companies that have  what’s called a dual class share system. And dual class just means  say you’re Facebook. You have class A shares, and you have class B shares. The class A shares  give more voting rights to those who hold them. And actually, the S&P 500 decided recently we’re not going to let any  more companies in that have    this dual class share system. 

But that is why despite  there being 500 companies, there are about 505  listings on the S&P 500. So when we say large cap,  we’re talking about large capitalization.  And that means we do actually  need to figure out what the market capitalization is  of each company in the S&P 500. And that’s where we start. OK, so let’s say we’re  starting with Microsoft, which just happens to be the  largest company in the S&P 500. You first start with the price of their shares. And then to get the market  cap what you usually do is you multiply by the  quantity of shares out there. Price times quantity  equals market cap. But for the S&P 500 we have  to do one additional thing.

See, the market cap of the companies in the S&P 500 are actually called  float-adjusted market caps, which means we need to take the  quantity of shares out there.  And we need to  actually figure out what percentage of those  shares are actually trade-able on the markets, i.e. not held closely by executives,  or by other private owners. So we multiply by  the float – again, the percentage of those  shares that are out there ready to trade. And this gives us the  float-adjusted market cap of a company. That’s just one company, though.   

Remember, there’s 500  companies in this index, so you’re going to repeat this 500 times. I’m not going to  make 500 lines here, You get the idea. But once you have all of those,  you’re going to sum them up. And what you’re going to get is the total market cap of all the companies  in the S&P 500, which right now is about $24tn. But we’re not done quite yet. There’s still one more  step because the S&P 500 isn’t $24tn. Right here, you can  see it’s $3,000. So what we do is we put a  divisor under this number. And S&P doesn’t  necessarily always share what exactly the  divisor is, but just    know it’s a number that breaks  the sum down to something a little bit more manageable. 

And also, don’t forget, The S&P 500 is  changing all the time. The companies in here, they issue more shares, or their  share price changes, or they do a stock split, or their price falls so low that they’re not actually considered a large cap company any more, and they need  to drop of the index, which    means a new company needs to  come on to take their place. These changes are happening all the time. And so this divisor is  really key in making sure that the index doesn’t  change dramatically just because, for  example.

A company needs to come off and have a new company relisted on it. And this divisor’s changed if that happens at the end of the  market so that the next day when markets open, that  index has not changed, even though, let’s say, there’s a different company with a different market cap. So the way that the S&P 500 is calculated actually gives us a good idea of what’s  happening in the large cap US stock market, which is why  it’s become one of the most popular indices in the world.        

Top 5 S&P 500 Index funds for 2020

we’re going to be talking about  the best five S&P 500 Index funds for 2020, I think a common misconception is that  all S&P 500 Index funds are equal. And that’s not exactly true. So we’re going to be talking about the top five and the differences between them.

So an index fund is a fund or collection of stocks. It seeks to match the  performance of a particular stock market index like the S&P 500 Index or the NASDAQ or the  Dow Jones. If you’d like a breakdown of index funds, check out my post that I did talking  about them and what they are and how to invest in them. So S&P 500 Index funds are favorites of  investors like Warren buffet, Jack Bogle, and Charlie Moger because you can expect about an eight to 10% return over a long period of time.

There was a low cost barrier begin  and they’re essentially passive. If you invest in S&P 500 Index funds, you’re essentially investing in the future of the American economy because the S and P 500 is made up of 500 of the largest us based companies and so far betting on the U S economy has been a pretty good one. So going ahead and jumping right into number one, we have a Vanguard 500 index  fund, ticker symbol V. O. This is what a Vanguard’s S&P 500 Index funds. It’s actually an exchange traded fund or ETF, which means that it trades like a stock as opposed to a typical mutual  fund.

It currently has about $520 billion in assets, which makes it one of the largest funds available, and it has a current expense ratio of 0.03% and for those of you that aren’t familiar, the expense ratio is the annual fee that follows charge their shareholders. So in this instance, a 0.03% would mean a expense ratio would mean you pay $3 for every $10,000 that you owed. Um, obviously you want  the expense ratio to be as low as possible. The current price of this fund is about $310 so going into number two is the spider S&P 500 ETF, ticker symbol spy.

This fund’s  been around for a long time since 1993 and it has about $310 billion in assets. So it’s  been around for a long time. It’s one of the better known ETS. It has a a an expense ratio  of 0.09% so for every $10,000 invested, it would cost $9 annually. And the current price  is $338 and 34 cents unlike voo, this fund is a unit investment trust or UIT, which is  a fixed portfolio. And these types of portfolios allow investors to, you know, know what securities  are held within the fund as well as the mandatory    termination date of the trust. 

So the termination date for this fund is January  22nd year 2,118 number three is the Schwab S&P 500 Index fund ticker symbol SWP P  X. So compared to the other funds on this list, it’s on the smaller side in terms of  assets with roughly $45 billion, but Schwab’s a very respected and reliable name. And this  fund has a good track record dating back to the early two thousands its expense ratio  is a low 0.02% and the price is $51 and 65    cents and as you can see, they’ve done a very  good job over the years of tracking the performance of the S and P 500 so although this is a smaller  fund in terms of assets, it’s a very good one. Fourth on the list is I shares core S  and P 500 ETF ticker symbol I V. V. so this one has about $200 billion in assets and has  been around since the year 2000 it’s expense ratio was 0.04% in the current price is $339  and 88 cents so like all of the other funds on this list, IBV offers exposure into large cap stocks and is a great longterm investment for longterm growth. 

The last one I have on the list is actually  a total stock Morgan index fund, which is very similar to an S and P 500 fund. The difference  is that instead of seeking to, you know, solely track the S&P 500 Index, this fund seeks  to track the total market as a whole. So not only will you be getting exposure to large  cap stocks, but you’ll be getting exposure to mid cap and small cap stocks as well. The Vanguard total stock market index or the TS MX has about $850 billion in assets. It’s  made up of mostly large cap stocks, but 19% of the fund is mid sized companies and 9% is low cap stocks. Its expense ratio is zero point 14% in its current prices, $83 and 34  cents.

The total market fund is going to be a bit more volatile than an S and P 500 fund. But on a risk adjusted basis, you’re essentially getting the same returns with a total market fund compared to the S and P fund. So if you’re  trying to decide between one or the other, I think it really boils down to risk and what  you’re willing to take over and expose yourself to. Right. So the S&P 500 Index funds are going  to be a bit more of a conservative investment while the total market funds will be more  aggressive and come with more volatility and risk, but potential returns are better. So  that wraps up my top five S&P 500 slash total market index funds.

S&P 500 Index Day Trading for Beginners 2020 (indexsp:.inx)

I am going to share with you what the Emini S&P 500 Index (indexsp:.inx) is about. This is the index that’s traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. We want to trade in an  environment or the arena which is transparent, right? So whoever is trading  the Emini S&P 500 Index (indexsp:.inx) is trading through this exchange itself, so this prevents any  manipulation in the price and is transparent for all traders. One Emini S&P 500 (indexsp:.inx) contract  is about one fifth the value of the standard S&P 500 futures (indexsp:.inx) contract. 

So that makes it easier and  more affordable for new traders who do not have a large sum of capital to start trading in. Emini S&P 500 Index (indexsp:.inx) tracks the 500 largest US public companies. This is a good reflection of the US economy in some of the companies. There’s some big companies and some of the companies they are like Amazon, Johnson & Johnson, Google, Yahoo, Apple, etc. Every time the price goes up or down    it moves in 0.25 points increment. If you’re trading one  contract of the Emini S&P 500 (indexsp:.inx) there’s 0.25 points move  on the Index itself,    what gives you a yield of US $12.50. It’s a leveraged instrument, means that we are trading on margin. This allows you to start  off with a small capital. 

You do not have to come  in a huge sum of capital in order to start trading and this is actually more affordable. Now I’ve been trading the Emini  S&P 500 (indexsp:.inx) for many years now. You may be thinking of starting  to trade in the US market    so why not consider the Emini S&P 500 (indexsp:.inx) which is trad-able, move  in a consistent manner and allows you to profit consistently over time. If you like what we are reading, thank you for reading our post, let us know what other topics  you’d like to see on our post and we’ll try our best to accommodate.

Investing in the S&P 500 index (indexsp:.inx)

All indices are not created equal/ There are key differences in  methodologies. For example in order to be a member of the s&p500 index (indexsp:.inx) there are certain  profitability criteria, and if you’re a large stock that’s never made a profit you’re not included in the sp500 index (indexsp:.inx) . That might sound like a small difference but aggregated together the art of index construction can actually lead over time to big differences in the end results. At the heart of our index process as well  as the methodology document there’s also  the (indexsp:.inx) committee and they will deal  with decisions like which countries might be classified as developed or as emerging they’ll also deal with changes to the methodology our indices are a combination of a listed set of rules and an index committee that reviews those rules and makes those decisions which we    don’t yet have rules for.

I think there  are a couple of reasons why the S&P 500 (indexsp:.inx) has grown to take the role that it has  today. Number one on those is its history. Indices are really about data and about  measuring the markets and the most important thing is you want to be able to study history you know how has the market done under Republican or Democrat  administrations that’s something you need a long history for I think that the  second piece is its comprehensiveness it doesn’t cover the whole market but it is  a broad collection of stocks and actually includes quite a diversified  basket and the third piece is probably the ecosystem that’s develop ed around it  the first index fund to have any real traction was linked to the sp500 (indexsp:.inx) futures  are now listed and trade with a lot of volume based on the S&P 500 (indexsp:.inx) you can trade options on those futures and those options form part of something called  the VIX known as the markets fear gauge.    So there’s a lot of traders, investors,  commentators and historians who have adopted the S&P 500 (indexsp:.inx) as their measure for  the US market.    

S&P 500 Index 11 October News : [Update]U.S. stocks are set to open mixed but effectively flat on Monday morning, with Dow Jones Industrial Average futures dropping 24 points, or less than 0.1%, on Sunday evening. S&P 500 futures also dipped less than 0.1%, while Nasdaq Composite futures gained just over 0.1% as investors ready themselves for earnings season to kick off this week and for a flurry of activity on stimulus negotiations in Washington, D.C.


INX Live Charts09/06/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today
INX INDEX Today Low Price
INX INDEX Share Today High Price
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts08/06/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today3,199.92
INX INDEX Today Low Price3,196.00
INX INDEX Share Today High Price3,233.13
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts04/06/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today3,111.56
INX INDEX Today Low Price3,090.41
INX INDEX Share Today High Price3,128.91
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts03/06/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today3,098.90
INX INDEX Today Low Price3,098.90
INX INDEX Share Today High Price3,130.94
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts02/06/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today3,064.78
INX INDEX Today Low Price3,051.64
INX INDEX Share Today High Price3,081.07
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts01/06/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today3,038.78
INX INDEX Today Low Price3,031.54
INX INDEX Share Today High Price3,062.18
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts22/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,948.05
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,933.59
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,956.76
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts21/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,969.95
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,938.57
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,978.50
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts18/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,913.86
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,913.86
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,968.09
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts15/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,829.95
INX INDEX Today Low Price
INX INDEX Share Today High Price
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts14/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today_
INX INDEX Today Low Price
INX INDEX Share Today High Price
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts13/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,865.86
INX INDEX Today Low Price
INX INDEX Share Today High Price
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts12/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,939.50
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,869.59
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,945.82
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts11/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,915.46
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,903.44
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,944.25
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts08/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,908.83
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,902.88
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,932.16
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts07/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today_
INX INDEX Today Low Price
INX INDEX Share Today High Price
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
INX Live Charts06/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,883.14
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,847.65
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,891.11
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (05/05/2020)

INX Live Charts05/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,868.88
INX INDEX Today Low Price
INX INDEX Share Today High Price
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (04/05/2020)

INX Live Charts04/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,797.85
INX INDEX Share Today High Price
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (01/05/2020)

INX Live Charts01/05/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,869.09
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,821.61
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,869.09
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (30/04/2020)

INX Live Charts30/04/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,930.91
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,902.63
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,930.91
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (28/04/2020)

INX Live Charts29/04/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,918.46
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,912.16
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,954.86
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (28/04/2020)

INX Live Charts28/04/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,909.96
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,860.71
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,921.15
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (27/04/2020)

INX Live Charts27/04/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,854.65
INX INDEX Today Low Price
INX INDEX Share Today High Price
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (24/04/2020)

INX Live Charts24/04/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,812.64
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,791.76
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,842.71
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (23/04/2020)

INX Live Charts23/04/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,810.42
INX INDEX Today Low Price
INX INDEX Share Today High Price
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (22/04/2020)

INX Live Charts22/04/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2,787.89
INX INDEX Today Low Price2,775.95
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2,795.29
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (21/04/2020)

INX Live Charts21/04/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2784.00
INX INDEX Today Low Price2759.79
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2785.54
INX INDEX Share Previous Close

INDEXSP: INX TODAY OPEN | S&P 500 Index TODAY OPEN (20/04/2020)

INX Live Charts20/04/2020
S&P 500 Index >INDEXSP: .INX Open Today2845.62
INX INDEX Today Low Price2828.67
INX INDEX Share Today High Price2868.98
INX INDEX Share Previous Close
  • INDEXSP: .INX Today Open 2845.62

> INDEXSP: .INX Foundation In March 4, 1957, INX INDEX Operator are S&P Dow Jones Indices.

> INDEXSP: .INX Exchange NYSE, NASDAQ, Cboe BZX Exchange.

> Orignal Website of INDEXSP:.INX are


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