Best Tutorials to Learn PHP online course  in 2022


If you’re a beginner coder or just getting started with WordPress development, PHP is one of the best places to begin. It’s a relatively easy language to learn, so you’ll be able to get up to speed quickly. Plus, if you want to work in the WordPress backend, you’ll need to know PHP.

But what if you don’t want to spend months or years in college courses? You can take the first step into web development today by checking out some online resources or taking a PHP course.

Why Learn PHP

PHP is a server-side scripting language that enables developers to create dynamic web pages. With PHP, you can do things like generate interactive content, collect form data, send information to visitors, and authenticate users. Additionally, PHP forms the backbone of WordPress and its plugins – which add all sorts of unique functions to the content management system. In short, you can pretty much do anything with PHP!

PHP is an accessible scripting language that is easy to learn for new developers, and a good starting point for those with a programming background. If you’re planning on diving into WordPress development, then PHP is a must as it is required to modify WordPress, write themes and plugins, and is the core of the CMS. Other languages like HTML, CSS and JavaScript are also important to look into, but none are as integral to WordPress as PHP.

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Top  Free PHP online course tutorials for Beginners

If you’re interested in learning php online course but aren’t sure whether it’s the right coding language for you or if you can’t afford paid courses, free PHP tutorials are a great way to start. Quality doesn’t always correlate with price, as there are plenty of free tutorials available online that are just as good as (if not better than) some of the paid lessons. In fact, many developers argue that the free online resources are so comprehensive that you might not even need to invest in premium courses!

Each of the websites listed below offers a different learning experience for those interested in PHP. So why not start here? If you find that you need more guidance along the way, you can always move on to the paid PHP tutorials later on.

1. Official PHP Manual

If you’re starting from scratch with PHP, then the official documentation from the creators of PHP is a great place to begin. This guide covers everything from an introduction to PHP, to how to install it, and covers the basics of syntax. Even if you’re already familiar with programming documentation, this is still a great first read.

The only downside is that while it does touch on some advanced features, it doesn’t go into depth. Additionally, it’s quite straightforward and to the point, which is great for some people, but total beginners might benefit more from a guided tutorial.

2. W3Schools PHP Tutorial

W3Schools is a great resource for beginner web developers of any age. The guides are simple and easy to follow, with plenty of references and examples to look at, along with exercises and quizzes to help you memorize PHP. You can even get W3Schools online certification

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If you’re looking for tutorials on how to learn a new programming language, check out W3Schools’ documentation. You’re sure to find something that’s right for you!

3. PHP: The Right Way

Adhering to best practices is important for every programming language – including PHP. If you don’t, your code will be slow, inefficient, and could even break entirely. PHP: The Right Way is a guide that outlines all the programming standards that new developers might not be aware of.

Although it’s not a beginners’ tutorial that will walk you through everything step by step, it’s still a valuable resource to help you create quality code.