Know All About College-Wise Cut Off for Telangana 

College-Wise Cut Off

The National Testing Agency conducts the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET). This is a qualifying test for admissions to MBBS courses and dental colleges. Thousands of students appear for the test and wait for their fate on the result day. For admissions, it is important to clear the cutoff released by the concerned authorities. College-Wise Cut Off-

The cutoff depends on the state and central reservation. Telangana state has reserved some seats for its domicile students. If you are willing to study MBBS or BDS in Telangana, here is an article on everything to know about college-wise cut off for Telangana. 


Telangana has 85% state reservation, and KNRUHS releases the cutoff for these seats. KNRUHS is short for Kaloji Narayana Rao University Of Health Sciences. The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) releases a cutoff for the remaining 15% All India Quota seats. MCC also prepares ranks and College-Wise Cut Off for these seats. 

Telangana has a total of 4890 MBBS seats across different medical colleges in the state. Similarly, the total number of seats for BDS is 1125 across different dental colleges in the state. The cutoff list contains the last eligible rank and the corresponding candidate’s score. 

Needless to say, you will have to have a score more than the cutoff to qualify for your desired college. Read further to find out college-wise cutoff rank and scores for both disciplines. Additionally, we will also provide details on state quota seats and All India Quota seats. 

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Important dates 

Let’s look at some important dates regarding Telangana NEET Cut Off 2020:

Events  Dates
NEET 2021 Results 30th October 2021
NEET Cutoff 2021 – State Quota For Telangana TBA
NEET Cutoff 2021 – All India Quota For Telangana TBA
Registrations for the counselling process begins on TBA
NEET 2021 – Beginning of counselling process TBA
Conclusion of Admissions  TBA
Start of academic sessions  TBA


What are the important factors for the cutoff?

Cutoff scores are not uniform. Every year the cutoff score and rank fluctuate depending on a lot of factors. Let’s look at some of those factors:

  • Examination difficulty: The difficulty level of the NEET question paper changes every year. Depending on the course and other external factors, NTA may set a cutoff that is more challenging than usual. In the case of difficult question papers, the cutoff scores are lower than usual. Similarly, if the questions were fairly easy, you can expect a higher cutoff than the previous year. Also, when the examination is easy, the rank fluctuates even at small score differences. 
  • Number of candidates: Total number of candidates appearing for the examination determine the scope of “competition.” A higher number of candidates would mean higher volume on lower ranks. This affects the overall outcome, and preference protocol comes into play. 
  • The number of seats: The number of seats works in the same manner supply and demand work in economics. If seats are limited and the number of candidates appearing is high, you can expect a spike in the cutoff. Usually, the number of seats do not change frequently. However, the number of candidates increases every year.  
  • Marks: Notwithstanding other factors discussed above, marks are the most important factor in determining a cutoff. If the majority of candidates appearing do not score well, the cutoff marks won’t spike. 
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Telangana cutoff for AIQ seats 

As discussed earlier, the details regarding 15% seats under the All India Quota will be published by the Medical Counselling Committee. Director General Of  Health Services acts in the representative capacity of MCC and releases details on 15% AIQ seats in Telangana. 

AIQ cutoff implies that 15% of the total seats under MBBS and BDS courses will be filled under AIQ quota. The AIQ cut off shall be released under different categories, i.e., General (unreserved), SC/ST, OBC, PwD and EWS(Economically Weaker Section). The said list is released in online mode.

Telangana cutoff for state quota seats 

As discussed earlier, 85% of seats under the Telangana state quota will be published by KNUHS (Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences). 

State quota cutoff implies that 85% of the total seats under MBBS and BDS courses will be filled under state quota. The state quota cutoff details will also be released online. The details will comprise of last eligible rank along with the corresponding scores. 

Telangana NEET 2019 college-wise Cutoff under state quota for MBBS

We are attaching the previous year College Wise NEET Cut Off for Telangana to give you a general idea. This will help you analyse what to expect. 

Name of College General SC ST OBC
APOLLO INST OF MED SCI, HYDERABAD 19750 560 94766 436 83339 450 87334 445
BHASKAR MEDICAL COLLEGE, MOINABAD, R.R.(DST) 46052 505 115542 413 91265 441 101068 429
C ANANDA RAO INST. OF MED. SCI., KARIMNAGAR 48056 502 111970 417 89863 442 93173 438
DR PATNAM MAHENDER REDDY INST OF MED SCI, CHEVELLA 56061 489 119554 409 98193 432 110131 419
ESI MEDICAL COLLEGE, SANATHNAGAR, HYD 14684 575 63107 478 42691 511 67930 471
GANDHI MEDICAL COLLEGE, SECUNDERABAD 9721 592 59252 484 40739 515 46211 505
GOVT MEDICAL COLLEGE, MAHABUBNAGAR 33028 530 89980 442 69386 469 85020 448
GOVT MEDICAL COLLEGE, NALGONDA 47728 502 99065 431 80949 453 89725 442
GOVT MEDICAL COLLEGE, SURYAPET 47214 503 103697 426 81246 453 88246 444
GOVT MEDICAL COLLEGE, NIZAMABAD 28953 538 87341 445 64861 475 75667 460
KAKATIYA MEDICAL COLLEGE, WARANGAL 17626 566 71158 466 54439 491 60915 481
KAMINENI ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCI AND RESEARCH, HYD 26310 544 93291 438 75373 461 78670 456
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Telangana College-Wise Cut Off for 15% AIQ seats under MBBS

We are attaching a 2018 cutoff list for MBBS under AQI.

Name of College General OBC SC ST
Gandhi Medical College, Murshidabad 2362 588 9418 541 11714 531
ESIC Medical College, Hyderabad 9070 542
Osmania Medical College, Koti 2987 44676 450 19745 505
Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal 9559 540 54151 433 38905 461
Government Medical College, Nizamabad 10069 538 56115 430 50779 439
Government Medical College, Mahbubnagar 10127 538 58972 426 56133 430
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Adilabad 10251 537 61406 422 48928 442


This article is only meant to give you a tentative idea about what to expect from NEET 2021 results. Telangana has some premier colleges for MBBS and dental courses. We wish you all the best for your results and hope you get into your college of choice.