During Internet banking, you will never care about these 8 things, you will never be harmed : In today’s time, payment using online shopping, internet banking and digital wallet has become very easy. However, it can not be denied that it is as easy to use as it is equally unsafe. The increasing incidence of online fraud is also evidence of this. However, if you take a little care, then you can protect yourself from such internet fraud. We are telling you through our news that by taking care of 8 special things or Internet Banking Security Tips, you can save yourself from harm.
Take care to keep bank account safe: Only two things are important in net banking. One is your user ID and the other is your password. You should be careful about both these things. Especially with your password. Try not to share it with everyone and keep it a secret. Also try to keep changing your password at a certain time.
Avoid netbanking from everyone’s system: Usually people do not show understanding during netbanking and log their net banking from anyone’s system. Doing so can also be harmful for you. You should always do netbanking from your own home system. You should avoid doing net banking from the office or cyber café system. Hackers can hack accounts through URL links.
Beware of greed-filled mail: People often keep getting mail like big lottery, in which you are asked for account number. You should be careful with these, they are called fishing mails. Try not to reply to any such mail in which information like net banking information, password or birth date and mother’s middle name is being asked from you.
Your limit should be known during NetBanking: If you use NetBanking, then you should set a certain limit on the amount and transactions in the Net Banking account. Also, if you are transferring money to someone, then it should also be kept in mind that you have entered the account number correctly. In the event of this not happening, if you transfer money to the wrong person then they will never get back to you. Your fault will be considered in this.
Keep yourself alert with banking alerts: Banking alerts are a great way to protect yourself during net banking. Try to get your mobile number and email address registered for transaction related alerts. Also keep updating every information to the bank.
Guarantee of strong password security: Keeping easy passwords during net banking can be fatal as it is easy for hackers to crack such passwords. Try to keep your password a little strong. Never use your personal details to create a password. Also, change the password every single month.
Must keep strong anti virus in the system (desktop / laptop): Try to keep strong anti virus in your system. This is because hackers usually target similar systems with no anti-virus. You should do this work to avoid fishing.
Better to use OTP code: You should use OTP code during financial transactions. Whenever you make such a payment, an OTP code comes on your mobile first. This code is sent by banks and is valid for only 15 minutes. This makes your transaction safe.
Five Tips for Safe Online Internet Banking

- Change your password regularly
- Check your bank statement regularly
- Use licensed anti-virus software in your Computer
- Disconnect your Internet when not using it
- Never Use Public Place Free Wifi
- Create strong passwords & change them regularly
- Use a secure location / sites / network when banking online
- Always Log Out
- Enable multi-factor authentication
- Beware of email scams
- Only Use Official Banking Apps
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