Studying requires all your time and attention. It involves writing essays, completing coursework, and preparing for exams. Work on the other hand demands that you maintain a particular schedule, meet deadlines, and attend to emergencies. Combining the two could leave you with no time to take care of yourself, resulting in burnout.
Some situations require you to work while studying. You could have gotten a job in college or would like to earn a few dollars to supplement your finances. In other cases, you may have returned to school while working. Once you start a business while in college, you will be required to work and study at the same time. How can you balance work and study without affecting your grades? Here are excellent tips to consider.
Use homework help services
Homework help services reduce your academic workload. Professional writers complete your essays, research papers, and coursework. Buy research paper online instead of spending all your time in the library or study desk. You leave enough time to work without missing submission deadlines.
Pick the best homework help services online by checking their profile and reviews from other students. The best helper is a specialist in your area of study. A referral from a friend who is already using writing services will help you to pick the best assistant. You leave more time to revise and work.
Reorganize your time
The ordinary day of a student leaves a lot of free time between lessons. Students also organize social events like picnics, clubs, and societies. Sleep and relaxation are other activities that occupy the time of a student. Squeeze your time to create time for work.
Identify the activities that can be moved to create room for work or study hours. Skip some of the activities until you are done with school. Inform friends and relatives so that they can understand your schedule change.
Utilize technology
Technology will help you to study efficiently. It also helps you to work remotely, leaving room for your studies. Technology will reduce the time it takes to complete essays and other assignments. It improves your efficiency while studying or working.
Some of the technology you can use while studying includes homework apps. Educational websites also help you to cite your sources, reference, and edit your work. Follow classes online instead of traveling long distances to catch the class. Utilize teamwork technology like video conferencing to keep in touch with your work.
Negotiate your work schedule
Some work environments offer a flexible schedule. If you have the option, choose a schedule that will allow you to still study. Synchronize your work hours with study lessons. For instance, work part-time while studying full-time. If your classes are in the morning, you can take the afternoon or evening shift.
Talk to your superiors about your need to study while working. Work overtime early in the semester to create time for revision towards the end of the semester when exams are approaching. Accumulate more work hours to leave room for a flexible schedule when you need to sit for CATs and exams.
Stay ahead of class and work
Start working on assignments as early as possible. Complete the fast instead of waiting for the deadline. Take every opportunity to attend class and meet the required minimums. Leave more room to cushion you in case you need an emergency day to sit for a test or attend to work.
Use technology to work faster on your assignment or complete work in the shortest time possible. Only use your leave days where necessary. In case you need the days off, you will have some left to redeem.
Choose an appropriate job and course
Some jobs will allow you to study while working. Others will leave you struggling to meet expectations on both ends. Choose a job with a flexible work schedule. Avoid extensive travel that could leave you fatigued.
A course that involves more theory than practical work will be easier to complete while working. Even if you miss class, you can read the notes or watch a video. If the course takes more practical hours than theory, you will have to attend the practical sessions, compromising your chances at work.
Listen actively in class
Pay attention while in class. Ask questions and do not allow the teacher to proceed until you have understood. Attend as many classes as possible.
Active participation in class increases your understanding. Consequently, you will spend less time reading in the library or at your desk. By asking questions, the subject will be memorable. Participate actively in class projects. As you write the projects, you will revise the topics that will form a part of your exams.
Use educational websites and apps
Utilize educational websites and apps to make your work easier. Educational websites have videos, audio files, and graphic presentations of ideas that you are also studying in class. Such materials are easier to understand compared to lengthy descriptive chapters in books.
Educational apps reduce the time it takes to complete an assignment. Choose an app designed for a particular subject or topic. For instance, an app may be designed for math. It completes the question procedurally. Consequently, you have more time to work or rest.
Adjust your priorities
Studying is energy and time-consuming. Working also requires a lot of physical and mental engagement. Utilize your time and energy efficiently by setting priorities. Identify the most important tasks for your work and studies. Avoid any other task that may come in between studying and work. Inform friends and family of your busy schedule. They will understand once you miss some of the events.
Create time to rest
Do not overwork yourself while putting in endless hours in your studies. Balance between working and rest to avoid burnout. Travel once in a while and sleep adequate hours. It helps your body and mind to recharge after a tough day in class or at work.
The ability to work while studying depends on how well you organize your time. Get homework help to reduce your academic workload. Use technology at work and in class to reduce the time taken to complete tasks. While at it, create time to rest and avoid fatigue as well as burnout that would have detrimental effects on your health.