In India, two-wheelers are one of the easily accessible modes of transportation. Due to its low cost and long durability, bikes are often preferred by many middle-class families. There are various bike manufacturers in India who offer a wide range of bikes that you, as a potential buyer, could select from.
However, there are many responsibilities that you need to aware of when looking to purchase a bike, such as, for example, getting a bike insurance to be financially protected from the costs of mishaps that might take place on the road. What other things can you do to be a good biker? Keep reading to get a better idea about it.
- Always follow the rules
It is common sense to always the rules and regulations of road safety. However, often times many riders avoid following these rules to save time. Many times, bike riders engage in rash driving, which not only endangers themselves but also those around them. Overtaking of vehicles can also be quite risky and lethal at times. Riders who ride their bikes in the opposite direction can also cause accidents. It is your responsibility as a bike rider to not indulge in such behaviour and follow the rules properly for a safe and smooth riding experience.
- Wear a helmet
India has one of the highest rates of deaths caused due to road accidents in the world. Not maintaining road safety is one of the reasons. The other reason is not wearing safety equipment while riding your bike. Wearing a helmet helps in reducing the risk of serious injuries that you might sustain, especially to the head. Helmets have been made mandatory by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highway under the Motor Vehicles Act. Nowadays, there are many helmets that are affordable and sturdy. Riding your bike without a helmet not only increases the risk of injuries, but it could also get you fined.
- Keep your bike serviced
To ensure the smooth functioning of your bike in the long run, it is imperative of you to get your bike serviced from time to time. When you use your bike on a regular basis, it goes through wear and tear. This not only affects the performance of your bike, but it also has an impact on the safeness that your bike provides to you as a rider. Leaving your bike un-serviced for longer durations could increase the risk of accident. While your bike insurance will cover the cost of the repairs in the event of an accident; this can be avoided by getting your bike serviced properly.
- Update your insurance
The only way to ensure you get a better financial protection from on-road mishaps is by investing in a good two-wheeler insurance. It is mandatory under the Motor Vehicles Act that you, as a bike owner, should own at least a third-party insurance for your bike. Not having insurance could get you fined. It is also important to renew your policy before it expires. This can be easily done using the bike insurance app of your insurer. In a just few easy steps, you can renew the policy as per your convenience. If you are found riding your bike with an expired insurance policy, it could cause problems for you. Firstly, you could get fined for riding with an expired insurance. Secondly, if your bike gets damaged in an accident and you were to file a claim for compensation, your claim could get rejected instantly as your policy would haveexpired.
- Only install genuine parts
Often times, your bike requires a change of parts that get damaged due to continuous wear and tear from the usage. Many times, people tend to install cheaper alternatives instead of genuine parts. While this might seem like a good way to save money, it can have negative consequences as well. Genuine parts have a guarantee, whereas cheap parts might stop working suddenly. This means spending more money on replacement. Rather than having to spend extra on parts, better to go for genuine parts only.
These are some of the steps that you can take in becoming a good biker. Do keep in mind to buy two-wheeler insurance for your bike to get the protection that you deserve.