There is what is known as standard delivery and this is when your item does arrive at its final destination but no specifics can be given as to the exact time it will turn up. Many people are fairly happy with this type of service and they buy a product and as long as they get it the next day or the day after, then they are fairly happy with the purchase. However, when it comes to specialized and expensive equipment, this is not a service that could be regarded as good enough. Many modern businesses are now engaging in the services of logistic providers that can provide so much more during the delivery process. Customers now are incredibly impatient and if they buy an item today, they want it delivered today and as a business with many different competitors, this is one way for you to separate yourself from the pack. Let’s see about final mile delivery is the service everyone should n using.
This is why Rhenus High Tech final mile delivery is regarded as an exercise in customer care and good customer relations. Your business has already done the hard part and sold the item to the customer, but it just doesn’t end there and the sale is only completed when the product arrives at its final destination. As was mentioned briefly before, some people are happy with the item arriving whenever, but there are others who want to know the progress of the delivery and exactly when it is going to arrive. Customers are not happy with the vagueness of ‘it will be there between the hours of 9 to 12 or 1 to 6‘ and so they are looking for a better service. If you’re a little unsure about how your business can benefit from final mile delivery, then let’s make a comparison between it and a standard delivery service.
- Increased overall costs – You should be trying to save money every month and so when using a standard delivery service, you are dealing with a logistics provider who will deliver items according to their schedule and not yours. This means that your customers will suffer and your business will suffer because you are unable to deliver items to them in a reasonable amount of time. That’s the wonderful thing about final mile delivery because these companies will perform their services at a time that is convenient for both you and the final customer. This will help to save you a lot of money along the way because the items will be arriving with the final customer in a more time efficient and reliable manner.
- Damage & loss of items – This is an ongoing issue with standard delivery companies and even know you have done all of the hard work and sold the item to the customer in the first place, sometimes it providers end up losing the item altogether or it arrives at its final destination damaged. This might be due to the staff not handling the items correctly or just having a very bad attitude towards their job. If you have to keep claiming on your business insurance because items are disappearing or arriving broken, then this is not cost-effective way to do business. With final mile delivery, the staff knows exactly how to handle your items and they will make sure that they arrive at the final destination in working condition. They will even install equipment if necessary. To learn more about final mile logistics, check this out.
Customer care is the name of the game in modern business and so you need to pull out all the stops to make sure that when your customer buys an item from you, that it arrives at its final destination on time and in one piece.