10 Organic Facts You Need to Know

10 Organic Facts You Need to Know.
10 Organic Facts You Need to Know.


  1. Organic is the most heavily regulated and closely monitored food production system in the U.S.

Organic products are different because they’re not only organic and chemical-free, but they’re also backed by substantial regulations and providings that guarantee you and your family can trust them. Natural products are more of a guarantee, rather than a regulatory standard, which means there’s less of an effort to make sure the product is processed sustainably.

  1. Organic products support good health.

With mounting evidence, including a ground-breaking report by the President’s Cancer Panel, it has been shown that eating organic foods will help reduce exposure to toxic and persistent pesticides. A growing body of research also shows that organic foods are rich in nutrients like iron, magnesium, and vitamin C, which is vital for maintaining good health.

  1. Organic prohibits the use of GMOs.

In order to maintain their organic status, processors and producers must adhere to strict organic standards that all organic consumers need to be aware of.  These steps ensure that you are getting the benefits you desire and avoid exposure to man-made chemicals or ingredients.

  1. Organic prohibits the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers.

Organic farmers, when compared with non-organic farmers and processors, use techniques that rely on treatments such as hand weeding, mechanical control, cover crops, crop rotation and dense planting to make their soil better. In addition to keeping detailed records of the farming practices they use with their products.

  1. Organic prohibits the use of synthetic growth hormones.

The USDA Organic label guarantees that farmers are using sustainable and environmentally friendly practices to produce organic food. It also mandates a rigorous system for inspection, certification and verification to make sure animal rights aren’t violated.

  1. Organic prohibits the use of antibiotics.

A marketing strategy to keep your business green, animal cruelty-free and healthy is to prohibit the use of antibiotics for the purpose of stimulating livestock growth or production. Organic practices state that if an antibiotic is used for this purpose, animals cannot be marketed as organic.

  1. Organic prohibits the use of chemical additives.

The great thing about organic food is that it’s free from additives. It has natural flavors and colors, and the ingredients used in its production must come from a list of approved substances for safety and their impact on both human and environmental health. By law, these ingredients can only make up five percent or less of the total ingredients used in its production.

  1. Organic has something for everyone.

Organic is more than food when it comes to products. There are plenty of organic options for facial creams and pet food options.

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Organic isn’t just food. There are even organic products for people and animals. It’s a wide variety of products for a variety of needs, including facial cream and pet foods.

  1. Buying organic is easier and more affordable than ever.

Thanks to the growth of higher quality farmers markets, CSAs, private label products, coupons, and customer loyalty programs, it has never been easier or more affordable to enjoy your favorite organic foods. Whether you seek food, clothing, personal care products, or even pet food you can find an organic version across a store shelf on your side of the country. In many cases, the price of organic is comparable to that of non-organic making it simple and cost-effective to “go organic.”

  1. Organic reflects the true cost of food production.

When purchasing organic products, you are paying for quality and taste at a fair price. Buying non-organic products comes with hidden costs that are hard to calculate but very expensive in the long run. These include damaging our water sources, jungles, forests, ecosystems and biodiversity, and endangering our health thanks to pesticides. With all this in mind, you’ll see how organic is a more sensible choice from a personal as well as an environmental point-of-view.