Forgot UAN Password: How to reset and change UAN password (How to reset uan password) : If you forgotten your UAN Password and want to recover or reset the UAN Password or Change it? Then, this article talks about how to reset and change UAN password when you have your mobile number with UAN registered with you but you have forgotten your UAN password.
UAN Password is very important, you can’t do any thing without UAN password, without UAN Paswword you can’t login with UAN portal so, UAN password is very for that as well as UAN number is also important. If there is no one in that, you can not log in to the uan login portal.For some reasons, Have you forgotten your UAN Password and want to recover or reset it? This article will inform you, how to reset uan password change with mobile number, Also how to uan password change without mobile no . If you want to know how to reset uan password then this article read carefully. Moneypip provide some steps for how to change uan password, so follow this steps given below never forget any steps.
Follow This steps To You Can Easily Reset/change EPFO Forget Password,how to reset uan password, Online through Mobile or Computer, Never forget any Steps ::
Note* – You must have the Uan Number, and Uan Register Mobile Number.
How to Reset UAN Password?
Step 1 : First of all visit the official website EPFO Portal Member
Step 2 : After that click on Click on Forgot Password.
Step 3 : After click on forget password new page open, and then Enter your UAN Number, and enter captcha, after fill this details click on submit.
Step 4 : The mobile number mapped to your UAN will be shown. If you want to change the mobile Number you can click on No.
Step 5 : Click on Get Authorized Pin
Step 6 : If OTP is successfully sent, you will see the message OTP is successfully sent. If the website is unable to send the OTP(due to heavy traffic) you will get the window with message Failed to send OTP. Please try again later. Then try the steps mentioned above again after some time.
Step 7 : If OTP is sent successfully, then you will get the OTP on your mobile number registered with the UAN. The message would be Dear Mr. ABC . Your OTP corresponding to OTP id 5000 is 3837.Enter this pin to set a new password for your account. Please use the pin and not the OTP id.
Step 8 : Enter the OTP Pin at Enter Authorization Pin.
Step 9 : Enter the UAN New Password. The Password should contain minimum 7 characters and Maximum 20 characters. Minimum 4 alphabets, minimum 2 digits, 1 special character. At least one character out of 4 alphabets should be Capital and one small letter.
Step 10 : Confirm the New Password.
Step 11 : Click Submit button.
Step 12 : You will get a window saying password successfully changed.
Step 13 : Login to UAN New Website with UAN number and new Password.
I think if you follow this above steps you can easily reset uan password, if this “how to reset uan password” article is important for you please share to all. In case any confusion to uan password reset you can comment below.
How to change uan Password?
Follow This steps To You Can Easily Change UAN Password, Online through Mobile or Computer, Never forget any Steps ::
Step 1 : First of all visit the official website EPFO Portal Member
Step 2 : Enter your UAN Number, Uan Password, fill captcha and then click on sign in.
Step 3 : After login in UAN click on account and select the option change password.
Step 4 : After click on Change password enter your UAN old password and the enter New Uan password,enter again same new uan password and click on update.
Step 5 : Your uan password change successfully.
I hope if, you follow this above steps easily changed Uan password, but if any confusion you can comment below.
UAN Password Format
The password must contain a minimum of 7 characters and a maximum of 20 characters. In this password, you need to have the combination of a minimum of 4 alphabets, minimum 2 digits, and one special character are ! @ # $ % ^ & * ). In the 4 alphabets, at least one character should be capital and one small letter.
EPFO provides the facility creating a new password for all the EPF account holders who have lost or forgotten their password. In this article, you can find the procedure to change or reset your password.
How to Change “Mobile Number in UAN” if you Forget your uan Password?
Note* – You must have the Uan Number, Date of Birth.
If you forget your UAN password and wish to change your mobile number in UAN for safety reasons, follow the given below steps never forget any steps :
Step 1 : First of all visit the official website EPFO Portal Member
Step 2 : After that click on forget
Step 3 : After that click on forget Enter your UAN Number,Enter Captcha and click on submit.
Step 4 : The next page will show your old mobile number and ask if you wish to send the OTP to that number. Click on No
Step 5 : After that Enter the details such as your Name, Date of Birth and Gender and Click on Verify
Step 6 : If the information entered gets validated, Click on ‘Change Mobile Number’ and enter the new number. Now, enter the OTP that you will receive on the new number.
Step 7 : After OTP verification, enter the new password twice and Click on ‘Submit
Step 8 : Your mobile number and password have successfully been updated in UAN.
How Reset/Change uan Password without Mobile Number?
If you do not want to change the mobile number that is linked with your UAN but wants to recover the password, you need to follow the steps mentioned below.
- Visit official website UAN portal of : uan login password
- Click on the link Forgot Password or reset password.
- And Enter your UAN number and captcha Code.
- Click on the button verify after entering.
- The mobile number that is linked to your UAN will be displayed. you do not want to change the mobile number, then click on the button.
- If One Time password is sent successfully, you will see the message displaying One time password.
- If the website is unable to send the OTP(One time massage) because of various reasons, you will get the message saying Failed to send OTP. Try the above-mentioned steps after some time.
- If the One Time password is received to your mobile number registered with the UAN successfully, you can enter the pin to set a new password. Remember to enter the PIN but not the OTP id.
- Now, you have to enter the new password two times. The password must contain a minimum of 7 characters and a maximum of 20 characters. In this password, you need to have the combination of a minimum of 4 alphabets, minimum 2 digits, and one special character. In the 4 alphabets, at least one character should be capital and one small letter.
- Re-enter the same password and click on the button Submit.
- Now the page will display you a message saying that your Password Changed Successfully.
You can now log in to your UAN login portal by entering the UAN number and the new password.
Short Notes Regarding UAN Password Reset: If you want to operate the EPF portal online, your Universal Account Number is required. You can easily know your PF balance, application status, etc. easily through UAN number.
Reset or change your UAN password
- Go to EPFO Member e-SEWA official website Login Page.
- The homepage will appear. Now, click on the ‘Forgot Password’ on the right-hand side.
- Now, you will be asked to enter the UAN number. Enter the captcha code and click on the submit button.
- Enter your UAN password again. Also, enter your registered mobile number and click on yes to receive the OTP.
- Enter the OTP and click on the verify option.
- Once verified, you will be asked to enter the new password twice. Click on submit and login with the new password.
How to change UAN Password after Logging in?
- Log in to the portal and enter your credentials and click Log in.
- On the top menu bar, click on the Account option.
- Click on the change password option and now enter your old password and then the new password and confirm your new password again.
- Once done, click on update and you will receive a notification of password successfully changed.
Read : How To Download UAN Card Online?
How to change mobile number in UAN if you forget your password?
- Open the official EPFO website and click on the Forgot Password option
- Enter the UAN number and verify the captcha code and click submit
- You will be asked whether you want to send OTP to the old mobile number. Click NO.
- Now, enter your Date of Birth, name and other details and click on verify.
- If the details entered gets validated, click on change mobile number. Now, enter the new number and enter the OTP.
- Enter the password twice and click on Submit.
- Your mobile number and password have successfully been updated.
Also Read : Reset UAN Password
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