Four factors to consider when applying for Personal Loans


Many people opt for personal loans to pursue their dream of entrepreneurship or buy something they’ve yearned for, but few have what it takes to get one. There are countless risks involved in the process; not everyone is willing to tread this path. The few who do are further divided into three groups.

The first group consists of people who take loans but know what they’re getting into. The second group knows they won’t be able to pay it back. The third, however, apply for loans to clear out previous ones. 

Despite the risks, applying for a loan isn’t as hard as it seems. This article aims to cover the various aspects of personal loans and the factors you should consider before applying for one.

Let’s start with Financial management. It is an essential skill that only a few people have or are interested in, and they are good at handling money too. Rest assured, even the best business financial managers have their own challenges, but that does not stop them from taking charge of the situation if they have fundamental financial skills.

On the other hand, some people aren’t that wise with their finances and pile up debt without paying heed to methods of paying them off. If you’re living in a country like New Zealand, you must learn finance or have a working knowledge of the laws and regulations here. 

New Zealand is strict with laws, even more so regarding finance. If you lack financial understanding, you could end up piling on unwanted debt without any solution.

Try searching for Quick approval unsecured debt consolidation loans NZ on any popular search engine to find a solution for outstanding debt, especially if it concerns applying for personal loans. 

See also  Reasons To Take A Personal Loan

Also, it would be wise to know that since the government updated responsible lending rules, which came into effect on the 1st of December 2021. So read up on all the rules and regulations of personal finance. 

With that said, here are a few finance-related tips if you’re applying for a personal loan. 

1.Financial evaluation:

This is usually the first step before deciding on a personal loan. You shouldn’t apply for a personal loan if you are unclear about your financial condition. For instance, you won’t be able to buy what you want if you know it’s beyond financial means. Have you thought about what you would do if you bought a house that is too expensive to maintain? 

You must evaluate your finances and drop all aspects of idealism. You might think it’s easy to get that house with the personal loan you secured, but after the dust settles, it can become a nightmare to pay it off or even pay installments. 

Planning and a realistic model of managing your money is the best way to go about it. This is especially crucial when you’re applying for personal loans. 

2.Have a backup/savings

Many people put all their eggs in one basket. When it comes to a personal loan, this is surely a recipe for disaster because it increases the risk factor by many percentage points. You want to avoid this at all costs and keep the risk percentage at the lowest to minimize the chances of loss and maximize your gains.

So, once you are done with the financial evaluation, you must save a significant amount of money. This will serve as a backup plan for rainy days or as a bailout package if you cannot pay off the debt installment. 

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Why do you need a backup plan? Because when there are expenses beyond your control, your savings will help pay off existing installments and raise your standing within the loan company if you want to apply for more loans.  

Also, having a backup if you’re in New Zealand is crucial. Knowing how strict the country is regarding financial laws and security, ensuring you’re financially secure is a good idea. 

This can protect you from unnecessary stress, and since the money is retained elsewhere, you may also be able to resist the tendency to invest it for personal use.

One way to preserve your reserves is to invest in buying something that will hold or increase its value. For instance, you can invest your reserves in the stock market. While you are not using that money, it can help you generate extra income. 

3.Spend responsibly:

This probably sounds like common sense, but we cannot emphasize this enough. This is primarily targeted at those who are too idealistic at the very beginning. You must scrutinize your spending habits and only spend where it is needed. 

If you get a good hold of your spending habits, you have crossed a significant milestone in your journey of becoming an excellent financial manager in your own league.

So, you must reconsider your priorities if you are tempted to buy expensive furniture to decorate your office or buy high-tech equipment that won’t add any value to business operations. 

If your goal is to buy something with a personal loan, the aesthetics aren’t that important. You need hardware that gets the job done without overspending.

If you are upgrading, your priority should be to spend on improving your existing place instead of buying something brand new. This point is also linked to making subtle changes within a budget that would help increase the value of something you wanted to buy, for instance, a home renovation. 

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4.Aim for Investment:

This is somewhat linked to the previous point but differs on many accounts. You must aim for upgrading at the very beginning, especially if you have limited time and resources, and you cannot waste your time spending money where it isn’t needed.

Therefore, spend in areas that can increase the value of whatever you want to buy with a personal loan. This could include buying a house that you know will increase in value while you pay loan installments. 

Or it could be buying a car that will increase its value if you don’t put too many miles on it. 

However, as a note of caution, you must ensure sustainability when putting in money for something. As mentioned above, many people invest vast amounts of money into things without research.


Applying for a personal loan is tricky, especially in a country like New Zealand, where laws and regulations are strict. But, with the right mindset and research, you can apply for a personal loan through a dedicated agency or institution. 

Focus on building financial discipline because this skill can help you pay off existing debt and give loan companies a good impression of you when you apply for personal loans. Also, look for companies that offer you the best interest rates, so you’re not going bankrupt when paying for installments. 

We hope this article helped you understand the factors you should consider when applying for personal loans. If we missed something, let us know in the comments below.