Our company offers comprehensive turnkey solutions for developing your software from a simple concept to a fully functional product. We set realistic deadlines and always fit into the budget of our customers, with a guarantee for the result, we provide a long 12-month warranty, and we ensure the implementation of the application 30% faster than most of our competitors do.
What are the stages of end-to-end application development?
When a customer contacts our IT company, we offer turnkey end to end application development. This serious work includes the following mandatory steps, which we perform consistently and in full:
- Pre-sale preparation. This stage of development is considered the most responsible because it is during this period that the manager draws up a technical task together with the client and fixes all his wishes. Here, the time for the implementation of the entire project is estimated, as well as an estimate is made and the cost of the order is agreed upon, an agreement is signed, which is divided into stages of payments.
- Project opening. At this stage, brainstorming is carried out, in which the entire team is formed to implement the project, as well as the customer himself, if he wishes, takes part. During the negotiations, everyone expresses their points of view, after which the scope of work is specified, the nuances are agreed upon, and a reliable foundation is laid for the forthcoming work.
- Refinement and formation of the final application for the integrated implementation of the end-to-end development of the project. A team led by the company’s IT manager evaluates in detail the cost estimate that needs to be incurred to implement the development of the application, as well as the functionality of the future software, based on a flexible approach to customers.
- Integrated software development. The most important and voluminous stage of work is when each team member – designers, engineers, programmers, managers, and other professionals with extensive experience in their field, following the roadmap drawn up earlier, each develops his part of the future software. Euristiq has a library of its program codes, which allows the company to quickly start the main stage of work – no later than 2 weeks after signing a contract with a customer.
- Editing and change management after development is complete. It is noteworthy that the customer can make suggestions and design changes at each stage of product development. In such cases, if the team agrees that the change leads to an improvement, they gift the proposal, in case the customer wants to add a new option, this may slightly affect the estimate and timing. This is the end-to-end technology of software development.
- Implementation and commissioning of the developed application. The Euristiq team provides a step-by-step installation of the software on the servers at the customer, after which it transfers the source code, and the necessary accompanying documentation, provides commissioning, as well as, if necessary, instructs specialists and trains new staff.
Upon completion of all work, the developer provides the customer with a 12-month warranty with full technical support from specialized specialists, both online and offline. For the period of validity of this warranty, the customer may ask questions, and point out system flaws, as well as errors that occur during the operation of the software.
Basic advantages of our company over competitors
Our customer base is expanding every month, and our customers leave only positive feedback about us on independent forums on the network, as we have the following undeniable advantages over most competitors in this IT field:
- Flexible approach to each customer, the possibility of the customer’s participation in brainstorming and periodic discussions of the stages of development, implementation, and commissioning, software product adjustments, free expression of an individual position regarding the software product, making adjustments to the company’s operating activities within the framework of the ordered project.
- A horizontal management system in a company, when every specialist, regardless of his profile, has the right to express his idea, which will be considered by the team, which ensures increased productivity.
- Extensive experience in the IT field of each employee of the team, as well as the presence of higher specialized education and high qualifications, certificates confirming this level.
- The availability of an extensive library of program codes that are provided to each customer in a ready-made form significantly reduces the duration of software development and implementation.
- Working with cloud data storage on external servers – this innovative technology allows you to achieve full software scaling along with the planned development of the company, without the need to purchase new server equipment or make adjustments to the product architecture, which ensures cost reduction and a quick return on payback, according to the business plan. plan.
- Euristiq is one of the few companies on the market that implements IoT technology in everyday life, and also offers UI / US web design services, which deploys and implements programs, maintains and tests them, and brings them to perfection.
- IT company Euristiq, in addition to classic web design, programming code, and software application development, also provides fintech services, that is, intelligent solutions aimed at the highest work efficiency, as well as predicting the result, according to the business plan and the specifics of a particular project, with a high level of security.
- The company provides software development services both from scratch, fully focusing on the requirements and wishes of the customer, or offers an extensive catalog of existing developments from projects previously issued to other customers, provided that there are no individual copyrights to them.
- We focus only on scalable projects to avoid rewriting the program year and adjusting the architecture later.
After agreeing on the budget, Euristiq offers customers only high-quality software developments, takes responsibility, and partially shares the risks of the customer, including possible financial losses, which is indicated in the official contract with the customer, taking part in his business. In this regard, Euristiq is one of the few companies in the IT services market that is ready to take responsibility for the quality and efficiency of the result, in connection with which, each customer receives a one-year warranty, during which the developer is ready to correct any failures and shortcomings, which eliminates the failure of the product later.