[Update- 27/10/2020] Canara Bank Account Opening Online process : In this article we will learn How to canara bank online account opening. Canara Bank Saving account is a Zero balance account or basic savings account that aims to uplift financially weaker sections of the society. A Canera Bank savings account is a gateway to financial inclusion. Central government through their Jan Dhan Yojana sought to help every individual open a bank account.
Canara Bank saving account Friends, you have your savings account, How to open by applying online at Canara Bank To open an account with Canara Bank. What documents should you have And how much maintenance balance is required to be paid here. That is, in your savings account How much balance to keep at all times in Canera Bank Saving Account.

So let’s know First of all we know How can we open a Canera Bank savings account Opening Online. First of all you have to go to your smartphone playstore And from there you have to install the Canara Diya application. You can install the same directly by going from there After installing you have to open it As soon as you open it.

So here we will have some permissions So that you have to allow And then you will have two options First option will come I think I’m seeing you for the 1st time, Second option hope you are already a customer , Then you have to click on the arrow with the first option. Then a column will open in front of you here In which you have to fill your Aadhaar Card Number But there is a term & condition under it before filing. So you have to read it And then tick the box that is made before it And then click on Accept And then here you have to fill your Aadhaar Card Number Click on Verify after filling.
Canara Bank Online Account Opening Documents Required
- Aadhaar Card
- Pan Card
- Active Mobile Number
- Passport no (Optional)
- Drivery license number (Optional)
- Voter -id number (Optional)
- Gmail Id
Then a pop-off will open here again In this also you have to click on I agree, Then click on I agree and Again click on I agree Then see here on your Aadhar, A Otp will come on the mobile no register. You have to fill it in this column, If for some reason your number does not go Otp Here is an option of Regenerate You have to click Then the Otp will be sent to your number again. After filling the Otp you have to click on this arrow again. Then according to your Aadhar here Whatever will be given to you in detail That whole detail will come Here you have to check all the details.
And if your communication address and permanent address are both So look here at the below Communication address same as above The box before is ticked, you have to let it stay ticked If different then you have to untick it. Then there will be an option to fill the address, if you have the same then you have to tick them . Here you have to check whether all your details are correct or not And then you have to click on the next arrow.
How to Open Canara Bank Savings Account Online
- Step 1: First, visit the official website of Canara Bank.
- Step 2: Go to Savings Account option and select the option ‘Apply Now’.
- Step 3: Fill the required details like Name, Contact number, Date of Birth, Address etc. and click on ‘Submit’.
- Step 4: Verify the details with the documents like PAN and Aadhar or any other document as required by the bank.
- Step 5: Canara Bank’s executive will verify all the submitted documents.
- Step 6: After the successful verification of your documents, Canara Bank will share the welcome-kit containing debit cum ATM Card, PIN and cheque book with you.
- Step 7: Once the account is activated, you can register your mobile number and use a debit Card and cheque book for banking services.
How to Pan Card Verify Online in Canara Bank
Then there are two options in front of you, I have PAN, I don’t have PAN, If you have a pan card Then you have to select the first option here. If you don’t have a pan card You haven’t made yet Then you select I don’t have a Pan card So now I have a Pan card selected. Then here you have to fill the PAN number So whatever your PAN number is, you have to fill it here. After filling the PAN number In front of him who see a button of verification You have to click on it Then the Bank of Canara will verify your PAN card.
Click on the next arrow below, Then you will come here with some columns open Here in the first column you will find the Passport no And in the second column You have to fill the Drivery license number. But both these columns are friends optional If you want to fill you can fill Otherwise you can leave it there will be no problem.
Then friends in the third column you have to select your professional What do you do That you have to select in the third column So here at the side who is looking at the three line By clicking this, you select your profession. After selecting profession, After that is the voter -id number column So this is also optional friends, if you want to fill it, you can fill it, Otherwise you can leave it. And then only the Gross annual income What is your annual income, How much money do you earn Then friends you have to click select your income. Then click on the next arrow. As soon as you next, a pop up will open again In which you will be told some details about the account.
Canara Bank Minimum Balance Required ??
It is a zero balance account and hence there is no need to maintain a Canara Bank minimum average balance. Hence, there is no penalty for not keeping a required minimum balance. Eligibility must be indicated and here you will also have a Canara Bank minimum balance. How much money you have to maintain in your savings account. Friends if you come from a village area Or come from some small city, Then you have to maintain 500 rupees in your savings account. And if you live in a big city Then you have to maintain minimum 1000 rupees . So this is its Canera Bank maintenance balance.
There is a lot of detail You have to read all And then you have to come down and click on Proceed Then some more columns will open before you In the first column of which you have to fill the father’s name. In the second column, you have to fill the Mother’s name And then have a few Questions First question is are you single or married? So if you are single here then select single Or if you are married, select marriage, The friend below her is asking to add nominee, So if you want to add a nominee now Then you select yes option If you do not want to add now Then you select May be later option And again you have to click on the next arrow.
Canara Bank Saving Account Opening Online Facilities Atm, Passbook, SMS, Canera Internet Banking
Then you will be told here What facility will you be given in this account Which will be Debit card,Internet Banking,SMS alerts, ePAss sheet Or Mobile Banking. You can do all these facilities in this account So after reading this, again you have to click on Choose Your Branch. So here a column will open In which you have to fill your state. So in that you have to fill your state name A column will open In which you have to fill your city name The city branch where you want to open your account Fill her name So after filling it again you have to click on the next arrow.
Then the last step will be left In which you have to fill your mobile no and a Gmail-ID, So this is important guys you have to do both these columns So here you have any mobile no which mobile no you want to add to your account. Fill it up and fill your Gmail account here. After filing, again you have to click on the next arrow. Then a OTP will be sent to your mobile number You have to fill that OTP in this column. If for some reason does not go Otp So here you get the option of Regenerate You can send a otp again by clicking it. So after filling the otp you have to click on the open account again.
Then see friends here telling you that your account is in activation progress 40% has happened then it is growing slowly See it is now 60% Then friends, your account opens here Congratulations, Your account is activated Whatever your name is, it will be written below. And below that friends in this blue color area Your Customer ID your account number All these details will be given here. So now it comes that here you have not received anything yet Friends, here you get your customer ID in the blue color area. By using that you can activate your Canera Net Banking. Second you get your account number Which is the most important You can do anything with your account using the account number Your account number is activated friends Here friends, you can do up to 50 Thousand transactions from now on. From your Canera Bank savings account.
How To Get Canera Bank Welcome Kit
But here it comes now that here you are also given a welcome kit So friends of welcome kit have two options First of all, see here at the bottom of the blue color area Download Your Welcome Kit option coming And the seconds you have filled your Email-id Welcome Kit will have been sent to you on that email-id So what you have to do is you can download from here also And you can also check by going to Email-Id. So I go and email you and check See here there is a mail In which some information is given. As our account number is stated Account holder name is mentioned Then you have to maintain the amount of money you have to maintain here. How much money can we keep in our Canera Bank savings account, It is also mentioned here And if you get Kyc it done , How many transactions can you do then That is also here Then what you have to do is download your welcome kit.

Look at the bottom as pdf After downloading From here you will get your account number IFSC code, Net Banking, Mobile Banking You will get all these things But here you will not get all three things like passbook, check and ATM,Because these three can be found in hard copy So after opening it, you have to visit the branch once Earlier friends, it used to come through post office But now you have to visit your branch If you go to the branch you have to share your account number And the documents you have given And the documents you have given Have your account KYC done And the same time friends from the bank A check, passbook and ATM will hand over everything And then you will be able to access your account properly.
So in this way, you can open your Saving account in Canara Bank Online And friends you can use Normally So now the thing is that if you liked this Article then you can share to your friends If you notice anything bad in this article Then you comment in the comment box of this article. So that we can improve our upcoming article And friends if you want Make a post to open a zero balance saving account with Canara Bank Even then you comment in the comment box. #CANARA BANK ACCOUNT OPENING ONLINE PROCESS#
>Submit personal details for opening a new savings account and opt for a branch with which you would like to operate.
>There is a facility of uploading scanned copies of the documents required.
>A URN (Unique reference number) will be sent via SMS.
>You will be required to validate your mobile number and email.
>Take a print out of the application form, or you can request the bank officials to do this.
>Visit the branch with the original documents.
>Deposit the minimum balance amount of Rs. 1000.
>ID and address proof (Passport, Voter’s ID, Driving Licence, Aadhar card, NREGA card, PAN card)
>2 passport-size photographs
>Specimen Signature Card
>Copy of PAN Card/Form 60 or 61 (if customer does not have PAN Card)
>Any other related documents applicable to Students, Minor, HUF, Trusts, Association etc.
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