4 Surprising Mistakes Users Make While Setting Up Their Pop-Up Tents

Pop-Up Tents

Pop-up tents are portable gazebos. Their sizes range from 5×5-feet to 20×10-feet. These tents feature sturdy and flexible frames, making them very easy to install. The light frames also make these tents easy to transport. Users can fold up these tents instantly and transport them with ease.

This ease of use makes pop up tents common features in campsites, beach parties, sporting events, and other outdoor gatherings. However, many users still make some basic installation mistakes while using these tents. Here are four surprising installation mistakes pop-up tent users often make –

  1. Wrong Storage

Good storage precedes good installation. Unless you store your pop-up tent properly, it will pick up multiple damages that ultimately impact your installation process. Many users don’t take out the tent components in the right way. By doing so, they permanently damage their tent’s components. Here’s the right way of storing a pop-up tent –

  • Takedown the tent. Make sure no item or belonging is trapped inside the tent.
  • Set aside the fabric roof of the tent. Lay it down to get rid of any wrinkles.
  • Place the flat tent inside your travel bag. Make sure the tent’s frames don’t pinch your fingers or hands.

Repeat this simple storage process every time you take down your pop-up tent.

  • Water Exposure

Modern-day pop-up canopies are made of highly durable fabrics. Some of these fabrics are waterproof, while some are water-resistant. There are some major differences between “waterproof” and “water-resistant” tents.

  • Waterproof tents are made of tightly woven fabrics. These fabrics are “waterproof” because they never allow water to pass through their tightly woven fibers.
  • Water-resistant tents are also made of tightly woven fabrics. However, unlike waterproof fabrics, these fabrics can only stand up to specific degrees of water exposure.
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Unless you’re 100% sure that your tent is made of waterproof fabric, keep it away from the rain. The water-resistant fabrics may pool water and stretch during the process. Excessive fabric stretching due to excessive water exposure can even damage the tent’s frame.

2. Leaving Out the Tents for Extended Periods

Pop-up tents are designed for temporary use. Leaving them outdoors for days or weeks can lead to irreparable damages. Never leave your pop-up canopies outdoors for more than 24-48 hours. Your tent may experience serious weather damage. It may even get blown away if the winds are too strong.

In case you have to leave your tent outdoors for long periods, attach weights to its legs. The weights will keep the tent grounded even in the face of strong windstorms.

  • Setting Up Fires Inside or Near the Tent

An outdoor fire is the best part of a camping trip. Bonfires, campfires, or even wood-burning stoves can add more excitement to outdoor camping trips. However, outdoor fires are extremely detrimental to the environment. Wood smoke can cause tremendous amounts of air pollution at your campsite. Even worse – it can ruin your pop-up tent.

Lighting a fire underneath or even nearby a pop-up tent is enough to barbecue it. Tent owners should never make this fatal mistake.