Top Tips To Consider When Buying Restaurant Chairs


You’ve developed your business plan, chosen your location, designed your menu, thought about staff, and are eager to get out there and run a successful restaurant. Have you covered all of your bases?

Restaurant chairs are a key aspect of the dining experience that is frequently overlooked when opening and maintaining a restaurant. After all, your guests will be spending a significant amount of time getting to know what they’re sitting on!

When it comes to purchasing cafe, bar, or restaurant furnishings, you have committed to a balancing act. You’re balancing comfort, cost, durability, and how well everything fits with the concept and ambiance you’re attempting to create, and unfortunately, unless you have an unlimited budget, you may have to trade these characteristics off against one other. To make your life easier, our team has put together a comprehensive restaurant chair shopping guide!

Basic things to remember when buying chairs for your restaurant:

  • Your surroundings and concept
  • Make certain that everything you buy is of commercial quality
  • Consider the upkeep requirements
  • Furniture that serves two functions (i.e. a furniture piece that looks in place both outdoors and indoors)

Restaurant Chairs Height Tips

When selecting restaurant chairs you should remember that there are three basic heights for restaurant/bar chairs. 

These are:

  • Dining chair height – 45cm (18 inches).
  • Counter chair height – 61cm (24 inches).
  • Bar-stool height – 76cm (30 inches).

Armchairs should be avoided unless they are required by your environment and theme. They typically do not fit completely under tables and must be drawn out further than armless equivalents. Armless chairs are more suited to larger customers.

Consider the chair’s life-cycle cost; nice chairs aren’t inexpensive. Buying commercial quality is a must; check warranties; a business guarantee of two years will be used more than a domestic warranty of twenty years. A sturdy chair can be reupholstered numerous times to keep it looking great for a fraction of the cost of replacing it. Decisions like these may need a few extra bucks up front, but they are the less expensive long-term option.


It is a popular restaurant chair choice due to its timeless elegance and ability to compliment a wide range of decors. In more affluent settings, higher-backed chairs are required. Upholstered cushions or seat covers offer greater comfort, whereas bare seat variants promote faster table turnover


Metal chairs have a vintage charm that makes them ideal for settings with raw brick, steel beams, and an industrial aesthetic. Because of their throwback retro flare, they are also great for dessert cafes or theme restaurants. It is less comfortable than wood furniture, which discourages lingering. Aluminum outdoor chairs are safe.

Plastic (High-quality polymer)

Quality ranges from cheap and colorful hardware store items to costly plastic chair arsenal options. Because of its low cost, outstanding durability, and simplicity of cleaning, plastic is an underutilized chair material.


The entirely upholstered tall backs and seats of Parsons chairs give them an attractive look and feel that encourages diners to settle in for larger three-course dinners. These are suitable for fine dining establishments. In light colors, dirt and stains will be more evident.


This type of back is differentiated by vertical or horizontal slat supports on the back, which is quite pleasant and allows for good airflow. When placed outside, slat-backed chairs do not catch the wind as easily.

Wood restaurant chairs are one of the most popular seating alternatives for restaurant and café owners. Because wooden seats is so popular, you have virtually an infinite number of color, style, and design options to match your theme, décor, and budget.

High-quality wood restaurant chairs designed specifically for commercial use are exceptionally durable and frequently come with a warranty. They normally come in a variety of finish colors and wood stains, but they can also be clean and traditional. This variation makes them an appealing alternative when paired with tables such as solid oak or butcher block.

Vertical or horizontal slat patterns, ladder back, wood back, solid back, and many other back forms are popular. Many of the designs are merely for aesthetic appeal, while others are for comfort. Wood restaurant chairs can also be customized! Seats are available in upholstered fabric, genuine leather, vinyl, and natural wood.

You can easily use the cloth you choose to fit your unique themes or décor in other areas of your organization. If you want simple, durable, and clean designs, there is also a broad selection of wood restaurant chairs that are stock-standard selections in various colors.

Whether you’re launching a new restaurant or remodeling an existing one, you’ll have to make several design decisions. The list goes on and on, from the subject of your restaurant to its location, your menu to the restaurant furniture, and so on. One of the most significant design elements in any restaurant is the seating. We hope that the information provided by our team at Restaurant Furniture.COM will assist you in purchasing the best restaurant chairs for your location!